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Main aspects of activity

LLC RN-Supply is a specialized subsidiary of Rosneft, which is engaged in the following activities:

  • Purchase of material and technical resources (including functions related to redistribution of material and technical resources of Rosneft's oil and gas production and refining enterprises and supply quality management);
  • Acceptance of inventory received by motor vehicles and railroads;
  • Completing, loading and dispatching inventories by road, rail, air and water transport to the Customer's facilities; 
  • Unloading of inventory at the Customer's facilities;
  • Interfacility transfer of material and technical resources at the Customer's facilities;
  • Storage, supply and centralized delivery of material and technical resources (including input quality control of incoming material and technical values and their delivery to remote fields within the framework of seasonal import).

The main objective of the company is to effectively meet the needs of internal customers in the vast area from Orenburg to Novy Urengoy and Irkutsk with goods, works and services necessary for the implementation of the Company's strategic projects.

  • Meeting the needs of internal customers in goods, works, services:
    • in time;
    • in full;
    • under optimal conditions;
    • of appropriate quality
  • Efficient use of working capital
  • Improving the supply chain efficiency

Functions of the enterprise:

  • Timely and full implementation of the procurement plan and nomenclature supply plan to ensure the production program in accordance with the business plan;
  • Optimization of expenses for purchase of products;
  • Reduction of the share of materials and equipment, works and services that do not meet quality requirements;
  • Reducing the number of refusals of suppliers to conclude a contract based on the results of procurement and fulfillment of obligations under the contract;
  • Maintaining the optimal level and structure of reserves;
  • Prompt identification and maximum involvement of undeveloped reserves in production;
  • Maximum reduction in the volume of oil and gas liquids reserves;
  • Reduced unit costs of procurement;
  • Development of procurement processes and increase of automation level (including consolidation of responsibility, optimization of controls and document flow, reduction of procurement/delivery terms);
  • Realization of organizational potential;
  • Development of competencies of supply personnel and increase of labor productivity;
  • Improvement of quality of methodological support and feedback tools with Customers;

LLC RN-Supply pays great attention to the quality of products supplied to the facilities of Rosneft enterprises. A set of measures has been developed to deliver quality products to customers, which includes

  • the choice of reliable suppliers;
  • control over production and shipment of material and technical resources;
  • incoming quality control at the warehouses of LLC RN-Supply;
  • organization of non-destructive, laboratory input control of material and technical resources;
  • storage, vacation and centralized delivery of material and technical resources.

LLC RN-Supply is a major employer providing employment to about 2,000 people living in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra, Orenburg Region, Tyumen Region, Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and Irkutsk Region.

In order to provide the Company with qualified staff, the Company implements programs to train qualified experts:

  • the Talent Pool Program is aimed at identifying the best, most promising specialists, their training and promotion to key management positions.
  • the adaptation programThe adaptation period is 3 months and coincides with the trial period. The purpose of adaptation programmes is:
    • Organizational adaptation is based on the new employee's understanding and acceptance of his or her organizational status, organizational structure and existing management mechanisms.
    • Social and psychological adaptation consists in adoption of the provisions of Rosneft Code of Business and Corporate Ethics.
    • Professional adaptation consists in the gradual adaptation of existing professional skills and development of new ones to a certain level required for a new employee to perform his or her job duties.
  • mentoring program A new employee is provided with a mentor, an experienced employee of the Company who has at least 5 years of work experience and works individually with the new employee to adapt him/her to the production activities, corporate culture and further professional development. Each new employee has a mentor, who shares his knowledge and experience, introduces the production process, contributes to the formation of positive relationships in the team right at the workplace. Mentoring is established for a period of 1 to 3 months. Mentoring periods may vary depending on the performance of the supervisor and may be extended to up to 9 months, including the period of on-the-job training.
  • Staff training is one of the most important areas of human resources work, which allows the business to realize the need for highly qualified employees. 

In LLC RN-Supply, a great role in personnel training is played by the mandatory training of the Company's employees, conducted to ensure occupational safety, prevention and elimination of accidents and emergencies. LLC RN-Supply not only uses the external training system, but also simultaneously develops internal training, which contributes to the preservation and transfer of knowledge within the Company.

In 2018, 3,220 people/courses were completed, including those in the following areas:

  • Management training - 25 persons/courses;
  • Corporate technical training - 142 persons/courses;
  • Mandatory training - 1,156 persons/courses;
  • Training initiated by the Company to improve the qualifications of the Company's staff - 1,897 persons/courses.