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Main page Business Downstream Petrochemistry

The Company has plants in Samara region (Novokuibyshevsk Petrochemical Company), in East Siberia (Angarsk Polymer Plant) and in the Republic of Bashkortostan (Ufaorgsintez).

In 2019 the total HC feedstock processing made more than 2.4 mln tons, marketable product yield – more than 2.1 mln tons.

Novokuibyshevsk Petrochemical Company

Novokuibyshevsk Petrochemical Company dates back to 1957. In March 2015 the company became part of Rosneft.

Novokuibyshevsk Petrochemical Company is one of the largest producers of gas processing, petrochemistry, and organic synthesis products in Russia and East Europe. The Company produces basic petrochemical products: petroleum gas, methyl tert-amyl ether and benzol, phenol, acetone, alphamethylstyrene, olefins and para-tert-butylphenol, which is unique in Russia and CIS and it is the only Russian synthetic ethanol producer. The Company produces more than 30 types of products.

In 2019 Novokuibyshevsk Petrochemical Company processed 1 013.3 K tons of HC feedstock, 969.1 K tons of commercial petrochemical products were produced.

Angarsk Polymer Plant

Angarsk Polymer Plant is a petrochemical company in East Siberia, annually it produces 200 K tons of ethylene, 100 K tons of propylene and 60 K tons of benzol. Part of the produced ethylene is provided to Sayanskkhimplast JSC as feedstock and part of it is used for the production of high pressure polyethylene and other types of petrochemical products. Straight run gasoline from Angarsk petrochemical company and hydrocarbon gases are used at the plant feedstock.  

The main plant products are ethylene, high pressure polyethylene, propylene, benzol, butylene-divinyl fraction, ethyl benzene, styrol, polystyrol, etc. In 2019 Angarsk Polymer Plant processed 719.3 K tons of feedstock and produced 550.4 K tons of marketable products.


Ufaorgsintez is one of the largest Russian companies to process liquids and associated gases and manufacturing of organic synthesis products, it was established on October 16, 1956.

The company produces more than 30 types of petrochemical products and more than 25 types of consumer goods. It produces organic synthesis products (synthetic technical phenol, technical acetone, alpha-methylsteryne), polymer materials (high pressure polyethylene, polypropylene of different grades, synthetic rubber ethylene propylene diene 40, 50 and 60, isopropylbenzol, polyethylene composite materials for cable industry).

The company products are widely used in the production of organic glass, phenol-formaldehyde resin, alkyl phenol, films, technical and agricultural consumer goods, general rubber goods, in mechanic engineering, light industry, medicine, electronics and electric engineering. 

In 2019 Ufaorgsintez processed more than 685.3 K tons of feedstock and produced about 617.3 K tons of end products.

Polyolefine production complex at Ufaorgsintez

“Polyolefine production complex at Ufaorgsintez” investment project was considered by the Authorized Rosneft investment body in September 2019.

Implementation of the business project pre-investment stage is endorsed. At present selection of technological processes licensors is in progress.