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Rosneft today
22 June 2015

Rosneft became one of the most active participants of the business program at the XIX St. Petersburg International Economic Forum.

19 June 2015

Summit of Energy Companies ‘A new balance in the oil market and its implications’, traditionally organized by Rosneft, took place within the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum. Chairman of Rosneft Management Board Igor Sechin Gave a Keynote Speech at the Summit.

19 June 2015

Chairman of Rosneft Management Board, Executive Secretary of Russia’s Presidential Commission on Strategic Development of the Fuel and Energy Sector and Ecological Safety Igor Sechin awarded laureates of the international Global Energy Prize at the St. Petersburg Economic Forum performing the instruction of the Russian President Vladimir Putin.

17 June 2015

On June 17, 2015 Annual General Meeting of Rosneft shareholders was held in St. Petersburg. Holders of 89.7% of the Company’s shares took part in the meeting.