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Rosneft Oil Company (hereafter, “Rosneft”, and the “Company”) publishes its results for 12M 2024 prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).
12M 2024 | 12M 2023 | % change | |
RUB bln (except for %) | |||
Revenues from sales and equity share in profits of associates and joint ventures | 10,139 | 9,163 | 10.7% |
EBITDA | 3,029 | 3,005 | 0.8% |
Net income attributable to Rosneft shareholders | 1,084 | 1,267 | (14.4)% |
CAPEX | 1,442 | 1,297 | 11.2% |
Adjusted free cash flow | 1,295 | 1,427 | (9.3)% |
Igor Sechin, Chairman of the Management Board and Chief Executive Officer of Rosneft, said:
“In the reporting year, the Company operated against the backdrop of oil production cap under the OPEC+ agreement, increased taxation, the natural monopolies tariff rises outstripping inflation, incremental anti-terrorist security costs, growing sanctions pressure, and unprecedented interest rates increases.
Management focused its efforts on revenue and EBITDA growth, while maintaining unit upstream costs at less than $3/boe, which is in line with our strategic objective, as well as on debt burden reduction. At the end of the year the net financial debt/EBITDA ratio amounted to less than 1.2x.
Rosneft is the country’s largest taxpayer. In 2024, the total amount of paid taxes and other payments made by the Company to the consolidated budget of the Russian Federation exceeded RUB 6,1 trillion1.This is record high both for the Company and for the whole of the Russian market.
The net income attributable to the Company's shareholders is lower as compared to the previous year due to the impact of non-cash factors, the main one being the revaluation of tax liabilities due to the income tax rate increase to 25% from 2025. In accordance with IFRS requirements, this resulted in a restatement of deferred tax with a negative income effect of RUB 0.24 trillion. However, efficient execution and improved development parameters of a number of our key projects afforded an opportunity to dramatically reduce the negative effect of these changes.
The sizable key rate increase exerted additional pressure on the net income. In particular, the Company's interest expenses on loans and borrowings increased 1.5 times in 2024. I should note that the Bank of Russia maintains a very high real interest rate in the economy: in the last two years, it has been the highest in the world.
Taking into account our shareholders’ interests and in full compliance with the dividend policy, in February, the Company paid an interim dividend of RUB 36.47 per share. The Company has been paying dividends consecutively since 1999. The dividend base has remained unchanged since the 2011 dividend, which ensures transparency and predictability of the dividend amount. I am pleased to note that in the last year alone the number of our shareholders increased by almost a third and reached 1.5 million people.
Taking into account the negative macroeconomic environment, the Company forcibly adjusts its strategy to sustain its fundamental value. In 2024, in order to support its stock prices during the periods of sharp decline, the Company continued its Share Buyback Program previously approved by the Board of Directors. At the end of October – beginning of November 2024, when the Russian stock market hit its local lows, Rosneft successfully bought back about 2.6 mln of its shares at an average price of RUB 443.7. The Company used the same mechanism during 2020, when commodity markets suffered a COVID-pandemic related price crisis. At that time, the Company bought back about 0.76% of its shares at an average price of RUB 347.5. The current stake value exceeds the buyback price by more than 1.5х”.
Operating performance
Exploration and production
FY2024, liquid hydrocarbon production amounted to 184.0 mln tons (3,737 th. bpd) on the back of, primarily, the production cap in compliance with the decisions of the Russian Government.
In 2024, the Company's gas production amounted to 87.5 bcm (1,455 th. boepd), maintaining Rosneft’s status as the largest independent gas producer in Russia. Greenfield projects in the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous District commissioned in 2022 account for over a third of the Company's gas production.
As a result, in 2024, the Company's hydrocarbon production amounted to 255.9 mln toe (5,192 th. boepd).
In 2024, production drilling footage exceeded 12 mln meters. Rosneft commissioned over 3 th. new wells, horizontal wells accounting for 72% of that amount.
In 2024, Rosneft conducted 1.2 th. linear km of 2D seismic and 5.3 th. sq. km of 3D seismic onshore Russia. The Company completed testing of 62 exploratory wells with a success rate of 89%.
In 2024, Rosneft discovered 7 deposits and 97 new hydrocarbon accumulations to the total of 0.2 bln toe under the AB1C1+B2C2 categories of the Russian reserve classification due to the high efficiency of the Company’s exploration activities. As a result, Rosneft's hydrocarbon reserves under the Russian classification amounted to 21.5 bln toe (AB1C1+B2C2) at the end of 2024.
Following an audit under the international PRMS classification (Petroleum Resources Management System), the Company's 2P hydrocarbon reserves amounted to 11.4 bln toe. The 2P reserves replacement ratio exceeds 100%.
Vostok Oil Project
As part of the Vostok Oil project, in 2024, the Company completed 0.7 th. linear km of 2D seismic and 0.6 th. sq. km of 3D seismic. Rosneft carried out successful testing of 4 wells, with 1 well being drilled and 3 more wells being tested.
In the reporting year, the project scope expanded from 52 to 60 license areas, and the resource base under the Russian classification increased to 7.0 bln tons of crude oil.
The Company continues pilot development of the Payakhskoye, Ichemminskoye and Baikalovskoye fields: in 2024, production drilling footage amounted to 92 th. meters, while 11 production wells were completed. Successful drilling and testing of wells at the Payakhskoye field resulted in transportation of produced oil to the nearby Suzun field.
Work is underway at the 'Vankor – Payakha – Sever Bay' trunk oil pipeline. As of the end of 2024, over 78,000 piles were installed; 359 km of pipeline were laid, including a 119 km long two-piped section. The Company completed laying and leak testing of the main pipeline crossing the Yenisei River, continues laying the backup pipeline.
The Company completed most of the work on the construction of two cargo berths, as well as a berth for the port fleet at the Sever Bay Port terminal. Construction of the first oil loading berth is underway, and preparatory work for the second one is carried out. Construction of a crude oil delivery and acceptance point and the Suzun oil pumping station is underway. The Company continues with the construction of logistics infrastructure and hydraulic engineering installations, shore reinforcement, and expansion of onshore and berth infrastructure.
In 2024, Rosneft processed 82.6 mln tons of crude oil in Russia.
Efforts have been made to maintain a high degree of reliability of refining assets and transition to domestic technologies. In particular, Rosneft provides its refineries with proprietary catalysts, which are essential for the production of high-quality motor fuel. In 2024, Rosneft produced more than 2 th. tons of catalysts for hydrotreatment of diesel fuel and gasoline fractions, as well as protective layer catalysts. Rosneft subsidiaries also produced 138 tons of gasoline reforming catalysts and 390 tons of catalysts for hydrogen production, petrochemicals and adsorbents. 1.6 th. tons of coked catalysts for hydrotreatment of diesel fuel were regenerated.
Stable supply of high-quality motor fuel to Russian consumers is one of Rosneft's key priorities. In 2024, the Company sold 43.6 mln tons of petroleum products in the domestic market, including 13.1 mln tons of gasoline and 18.1 mln tons of diesel fuel.
The Company is an active participant of trading activities at the St. Petersburg International Mercantile Exchange (SPIMEX). In the reporting year, Rosneft sold 10.1 mln tons of gasoline and diesel fuel on the exchange, which is twice the required volume.
Financial performance
Operating performance and the current macroeconomic environment combined with management solutions determined the dynamics of the Company's key financial indicators.
The Company’s revenue2 for 2024 amounted to RUB 10,139 bln, representing an increase of 10.7% year-on-year on the back of higher Urals prices. EBITDA amounted to RUB 3,029 bln with an EBITDA margin of 29.7%.
The unit upstream liftng costs in 2024 amounted to $2.9/boe.
FY2024 net income attributable to Rosneft shareholders amounted to RUB 1,084 bln, which was 14.4% lower year-on-year and driven primarily by higher debt financing rates, as well as non-cash factors, including exchange rate revaluation of foreign currency liabilities and the effect of changes in the income tax rate.
In 2024, capital expenditures amounted to RUB 1,442 bln, which was 11.2% year-on-year higher due to the scheduled implementation of the investment program at Upstream assets. At the same time, free cash flow3 in the reporting period reached RUB 1,295 bln.
The net debt / EBITDA ratio at the end of 2024 remained unchanged in comparison with the end of Q3 2024, amounting to 1.2x, despite new negative macroeconomic factors.
Based on 2024 results, Rosneft reaffirmed its leading positions in sustainable development as well as high quality of information disclosure.
The Company once again became a constituent of the Moscow Exchange - RAEX “ESG Balanced” Index with the best performance among Russian oil and gas companies. Rosneft became the only Russian oil and gas company with an AA ESG-rating assigned by RAEX for its “very high” level of ESG risk and opportunity management, with Rosneft governance rating at the highest AAA level.
As a result of RAEX research, Rosneft was recognized as a leader of efficient management of water resources, becoming the only Russian oil and gas company among the top-10 rating participants with the highest scores in prudent water consumption, as well as in the quality of corporate policies and programs related to water consumption. The share of recycled and reused water at Rosneft production facilities consistently has exceeded 90% for 10 years.
Moreover, Rosneft became the only Russian oil and gas company with the highest A+ rating “Leader of Corporate ESG Practices in the Russian Federation” from the Corporate Development Agency “Da-strategy”.
In the reporting period, the Company proceeded with activities aimed at achieving sustainable development goals under the 'Rosneft-2030: Reliable Energy and Global Energy Transition' strategy.
Rosneft applies advanced technologies and state-of-the-art production methods to create a safe working environment and minimize the risk of occupational injuries and occupational illnesses. In 2024, the Lost Workday Injury Severity (LWIS) went down by 23%.
In 2024, there were no gas, oil and water shows (release of oil, gas or water to the surface) during well drilling operations at Rosneft facilities. The Company continued with pipeline replacement as part of its efforts to minimize oil and petroleum product spills.
In 2024, Rosneft reduced the area of contaminated land by 9%, and the volume of oily waste - by 11% under the corporate program for the elimination of environmental legacy. In particular, the Company completed execution of a large-scale remediation program of legacy lands harmed during the Soviet years at the Samotlor oil field. Biological soil productivity was restored at the area of more than 2.2 th. hectares.
Department of Information and Advertising
Rosneft Oil Company
March 20, 2025
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