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Rosneft supports opening multifunctional youth training centre in the largest technopolis of Volga Region

27 March 2024

With the support of Syzran Refinery (part of Rosneft’s refining complex), a new multifunctional youth training centre was opened at the Syzran branch of Samara Polytech University. As part of a long-term collaboration with the partner university, a space for students to work and socialise has been created.

The opening of the centre, where eight laboratories have already been established with the support of Syzran Refinery, marks a new step in the development of the research complex. The new space has become a hallmark of the Chemical Technology course and will be actively used for careers guidance.

The centre is a multi-storey amphitheatre lecture hall equipped with a VR kit and a modern media system for displaying educational and informational materials about the activities of Rosneft’s enterprises and graduates’ employment prospects. The centre is equipped with video conferencing facilities, dedicated charging points and high-speed internet access for effective lesson preparation. During the opening ceremony, former graduates of the university, who are now employees of Syzran Refinery, gave a farewell speech to the students via teleconference.

Rosneft supports educational organisations in all regions where it operates. The Company currently works with 189 partner educational institutions, including 73 universities and 58 colleges. Strategic partnerships with academic institutions are aimed at creating a robust talent pool for the Company.


Syzran Refinery is an enterprise of Rosneft’s Samara group of refineries. The company produces more than 20 types of petroleum products, including high-quality petrol and diesel fuel, sustainable marine fuel RMLS 40, liquefied gases, bitumen, etc. The quality of the products has been repeatedly recognised with diplomas of the All-Russian contest “100 Best Goods of Russia” and “Russian Quality”.

Information and Advertising Department
March 27, 2024

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