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Main page Business Downstream Sales of oil products Lubricants

LLC RN-Lubricants is a subsidiary of the Company specializing in the production, marketing and sale of lubricants, specialty fluids and greases for use in passenger cars and commercial vehicles, as well as for a wide range of industrial equipment.

Meeting the needs of customers in modern world-class lubricants, improving quality and increasing sales volumes are priority areas of the Company's activities.

In order to achieve these goals, the Company actively upgrades its base and finished oil production capacities for various purposes and additives using advanced world technologies in this area.

The company produces unique lubricants of a wide temperature range for use in aircraft engineering, in the Arctic conditions, as well as exclusive oils and lubricants for high-precision instrument-making and space engineering. The product range includes more than 1,000 names and allows to satisfy requirements of both the large industrial enterprises, and private car owners.

New products are developed on the basis of two research institutes that are part of the Rosneft Group of Companies.

Rosneft automotive oils meet international quality standards and have more than 200 approvals from leading Russian and foreign manufacturers, including such companies as AvtoVAZ, KAMAZ, YaMZ, Mercedes-Benz, Volvo, Renault, Cummins, MTU, Sandvik, Parker Denison and others.


LLC RN-Lubricants supplies products to 33 countries around the world. Total sales of the Company's lubricants in 2016 amounted to 775 thousand tons. At the same time, 508 thousand tons was sold in the domestic market.

In 2016, a number of initiatives were implemented to expand the Company's presence in the Russian oil market, including: supplies to the enterprises of the Miratorg Group, LLC Service Integrator, LLC Resource Trans, IRNC of Centre and Volga Region, Raspadskaya Management Company, UAZ PJSC, Eurocement Group.

The complex of successfully implemented measures allowed to significantly increase deliveries to such enterprises as JSC Russian Railways, FA Rosreserve, PJSC Severstal, JSC MC Kuzbassrazrezugol, JSC CMK, JSC Uralchem, EVRAZ, MMC Norilsk Nickel, PJSC Polus Gold, PJSC Alrosa, transformer plant Toshiba.

The oil business development strategy of LLC RN-Lubricants provides for the premiumisation of the product portfolio. In order to achieve this goal, in 2017 the Company launched production of improved types of base bases, is preparing for the production of base bases of Group II, introduction of new product lines and development of new products. All these projects allow the Company to be successful in import substitution.

Sales and promotion of lubricants in the Russian Federation and abroad are provided by the dynamically developing distribution network, as well as by the company's own foreign representative offices.

More detailed information about lubricants produced by LLC RN-Lubricants and the requirements for distributors can be found at www.rosneft-lubricants.ru


LLC RN-Lubricants
Address: 119071, Moscow, St. Malaya Kaluzhskaya, 19
Legal address: 390011, RF, Ryazan, Southern Promuzel
 District, 8
Phone: +7 (499) 517-76-68
Fax: +7 (499) 517-76-68, ext. 48565
E-mail: oil@rosneft.ru
